Tonight was a good night. Celebrating liberty tattoo at the star bar in little five points. I am more and more a recluse as I get older. I can always find an excuse not to go out. Tonight though, I’m glad I made the time to visit old friends that I really don’t see often enough. Cheers Liberty!
Covering tribal
This project has been extremely challenging and fun. Clients like Anthony make it all worth while.
Art made for friends
Fight or pray
I recorded this song last month. A friend of mine shot this music video in the parking lot at work. Don’t forget your roots!
Having some technical problems with the video playing below. You tube link is provided in case that happens.
Say the name
So I wrote a ghost story years ago. Really more like a poem about a ghost. I illustrated most of the story before I lost interest in it completely. Words and images sat for well over 15 years. I decided to cannibalize my old work and use it for a song. Below is a link to the song and home made music video. I think it is done.. ish.